Child custody and visitation, child support and alimony, and asset division are significant matters that can make a divorce extremely challenging. When one or both spouses own a business, the future of the business can become a mystery. What can happen to a company in...
How will a family home be divided during divorce?
The property division process during divorce can cause concerns for many divorcing couples. A special are of concern may be what happens to the family home during the property division process. It is helpful for divorcing couples to be familiar with the different...
Oil field injuries can ruin lives and careers
The oil industry has given people in Billings and the rest of Eastern Montana opportunities to take on jobs that tend to pay well and thereby offer some degree of economic security. However, working in the oil industry also presents a number of dangers that can leave...
How to help your teen driver stay safe behind the wheel
Driving, like many life skills, takes time and practice to improve. In fact, you probably sat beside your teen child as they first learned the rules of the road and gained necessary experience to pass their driver’s test. Now that they are taking their newly received...
Three tips for creating a co-parenting plan that works for your family
For many parents who are undergoing divorce, finding a way to protect and provide stability for their children. The resultant stress can lead parents adrift. The good news? Even parents who do not get along can give their child positive, loving and supportive places...