Slip and fall lawsuits

Slip and fall lawsuits are some of the most common personal injury cases. These lawsuits involve a plaintiff who slipped on fluids, slippery surfaces, or other defects and sustained damages. There are a few things that residents of Montana and other states should know about slip and fall lawsuits.


In order to hold defendants liable for slip and falls, plaintiffs usually must prove that defendants had notice about a defective condition. Notice can be proved by showing that a defendant actually had notice about a defective condition and did not take corrective measures. An experienced personal injury attorney may also be able to prove constructive notice and demonstrate that the defective condition existed for so long on the property, the defendant should have known of its existence.


In certain instances, owners of property may have a duty to inspect premises for defects. Generally, if a business invites customers onto premises to purchase goods or services, they owe a duty to patrons to inspect premises for defects, and if they do not conduct inspections, they can be liable for slip and fall incidents.


Contractors hired by a business may be liable in a slip and fall lawsuit. For instance, a snow removal company that is hired by a business may be liable in a personal injury case involving snow or ice, and an experienced personal injury attorney should know the appropriate parties to sue in a lawsuit.


Certain types of evidence are important to slip and fall personal injury lawsuits. Accident reports, surveillance footage, and pictures of the defective condition may all be relevant to slip and fall litigation. In addition, photographs and other evidence that shows the extent of damages suffered as a result of a slip and fall may be important to a slip and fall lawsuit. It is important to hire a seasoned personal injury attorney who knows all of the evidence that should be collected in a slip-and-fall lawsuit.