Oil and gas extraction and even refining work can be incredibly dangerous. Not only are there cancer-causing chemicals and dangerous machines involved, but there is the ever-present risk of a fire or explosion when working with flammable materials like oil and gas. ...
Some common types of product liability claims
As a consumer in Montana, it's understandable to expect that items you spend your hard-earned money on work properly. Unfortunately, as anyone who experiences a faulty product knows that this isn't always the case. It's understandable to assume that there's only one...
Is distracted driving an epidemic?
Distracted driving is increasing as more people spend time doing other activities while operating a vehicle in Montana. Many people use their phones, apply make-up and eat food in the car, which increases the risk of a collision. Distracted driving is the third...
The impact of toxic waste from the energy industry
The energy industry is one of the economic engines of the U.S. economy. In states like Montana, it provides high-paying jobs for many people. But there are two sides to everything. Oil and gas operations also produce many byproducts. Some of these are hazardous....
What should you do if you suspect a wrongful death?
When someone you love loses their life as a result of another person’s negligence or reckless acts, it’s well within your rights to look into making a legal claim. Depending on how you’re related to that person, you may have a right to pursue a wrongful death claim. A...
Slip and fall lawsuits
Slip and fall lawsuits are some of the most common personal injury cases. These lawsuits involve a plaintiff who slipped on fluids, slippery surfaces, or other defects and sustained damages. There are a few things that residents of Montana and other states should know...
Important things to do after any semi-truck accident
Between 3 and 4 million Americans work as semi-truck drivers. Although these trucks are less likely to get into auto accidents than noncommercial vehicles, slip-ups still happen. Whether you get into a life-changing semi-truck accident in Montana or one that causes...
What are the signs of an undiagnosed traumatic brain injury?
If you’ve been involved in a collision, one of the injuries that you have to watch out for is a traumatic brain injury. A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, can only be officially diagnosed with a medical examination and imaging tests, but there are symptoms that may be...
The impact of traumatic brain injuries on victims
Traumatic brain injuries can be devastating for victims, their families and communities. A traumatic brain injury can turn the lives of victims and everyone around them upside down in instant. It is important for victims, and families, to understand the impacts of a...
Cellphones aren’t the only cause of distracted driving
When most people think about distracted driving, the first thing that tends to come to mind is cellphone use. This ranges from texting to talking to browsing the internet. While there’s no denying the fact that cellphone use is a major distraction, as well as one of...