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Get An Attorney On Your Side After A Truck Accident

Any type of vehicle accident can result in serious injuries. However, there are certain situations that result in a higher risk of an accident having extreme consequences. Accidents involving commercial trucks — tractor-trailers, semis and 18-wheelers — are particularly hazardous. The size and weight of these vehicles are alone enough to increase the risk of injury they pose, but that risk is further heightened when the truck is hauling oil or heavy machinery to or from an oil field.

Representation For People Injured Through Oil Field-Related Truck Accidents

At the law firm of Towe, Ball, Mackey, Sommerfeld & Turner, PLLP, in Billings, our attorneys are experienced in handling cases involving the various injuries that result from truck accidents, including those happening through work at the Bakken oil fields. Work on the oil fields requires heavy machinery and materials that must be hauled across Montana highways, posing a potential risk to all drivers. If you were injured on an oil field or elsewhere because of a truck accident, you can protect your rights by securing representation by a skilled personal injury lawyer.

The Area’s Oil Boom Has Brought Increased Trucking — And Suffering

Financial benefits to Billings and eastern Montana of the oil industry have come with a human cost. The hazardous working conditions and materials and the rush to get the product to market have resulted in frequent, and sometimes serious, injuries. Before the oil boom, local roads were not expected to handle the type of traffic that the oil fields have triggered. The demand that this heavy equipment puts on local roadways poses a risk to workers and innocent drivers alike.

The work taking place at the Bakken oil fields poses a risk of serious injury and even death to local residents and drivers. Even with the greatest care and attention, truck accidents can occur when heavy and powerful equipment is regularly being used and transported.

Perhaps you were an oil field worker injured in a vehicle accident on the job. In most such cases, workers’ compensation will not fully cover your injuries when an accident harms you as an employee. You may find yourself in need of legal assistance to make sure you receive complete compensation for the injuries you suffered. When our lawyers evaluate your case, we may discover a third party was to blame, other than your employer. This information can allow for legal action that may bring you the financial relief you need as you recover from serious injuries.

Let An Experienced Truck Accident Lawyer Guide You To Relief

The attorneys of Towe, Ball, Mackey, Sommerfeld & Turner, PLLP, are prepared to assist anyone who has been injured as a result of a truck accident, whether it was associated with oil field trucking or any other truck traffic. Contact us today if you suffered injury or your loved one was lost through a wrongful death. You can call us at 406-534-0288 or 800-838-3083 or complete our online contact form to schedule a free initial consultation.